Can anybody give a better description of himself?

Self-portrait of Pablo Neruda in his house in Valparaiso, Chile:
"(..) I, for my part, think, I have a hard nose, minimal eyes, few hair on my head, an increasing belly, long legs, wide soles, yellow complexion, generous of love, bad in calculations, confused in words, tender in the hands, slow in walking, inoxydable in my heart, fascinated by stars, waves, earthquakes, admiring beetles, walker in the sands, lump with institutions, eternal chileno, friend of my friends, deaf for my enemies, involved with birds, mal-educated at home, timid in society, brave in solidarity, regretting without object, horrible administrator, sailor on a tongue, healer with ink, quiet with animals, happy in thunderclouds, researcher in markets, obscure in libraries, melancholic in the mountains, infatigable in the forests, slow in responding, happening after years, vulgar during the whole year, splendid with my notebook, monumental with my apetite, a tiger when sleeping, quiet in my joy, inspector of the night skies, invisible worker, untidy, persistent, courageous out of need, coward without regret, sleepy out of passion, passionate for women, active for suffering, poet out of malediction, and stupid enough to tell"
I would subscribe to that....
Pablo, disculpe a mi la traduccion insufficiente eternalmente....