For the olympic games in 1936, the architects Werner and Walter March designed the first olympic village with the intention of further use after the games

The dining hall ("Speisehaus der Nationen") designed to feed 4500 athletes. Only the men were staying in this village, separated from the women, who stayed closer to the olympic stadium.

The sleeping quarters. Each national team had one house. Each had the name of a German city. Only the one used by sprinter Jesse Owens, who won 4 gold medals (for the first time), was renovated. To the annoyance of Hitler, black Jesse Owens became the favorite of the games.

The swimming hall, which for the first time had windows which could be sunk into the floor, was badly damaged by a fire in 1993 and is about to collapse.

The gymnasium still is in a quite good shape

After the games, the German Army used the village as an officer's academy. After the war, the Russians moved in, built a large number of flats and occupied the terrain until 1992.

Without windows and stripped of everything useful, the abandoned flats give the area the look of a ghost town

Unterhaltung am Zeitungskiosk in der DDR: Warum kostet die "Prawda" nur zehn Pfennige, das "Neue Deutschland" aber fuenfzehn? - Kann ich ihnen erklaeren, sagt die Verkaeuferin, beim Neuen Deutschland kommen noch 5 Pfennige Uebersetzungskosten dazu.

Outside the olympic village there are a whole lot of ruins of Flak bunkers and garages

Der Generalsekretaer steht an der Mole und sieht beim Beladen der Schiffe zu. Fragt die Seeleute: Wo fahrt ihr hin? - Nach Kuba. - Was bringt ihr hin? - Maschinen und Fahrzeuge. - Womit kommt ihr zurueck? - Mit Apfelsinen. Fragt die Seeleute eines zweiten Schiffes: Wo fahrt ihr hin? - Nach Angola. - Was bringt ihr hin? - Maschinen und Fahrzeuge. - Womit kommt ihr zurueck? - Mit Bananen. Fragt die Seeleute eines dritten Schiffes. Wo fahrt ihr hin? - In die Sowjetunion. - Was bringt ihr hin? - Apfelsinen und Bananen. - Womit kommt ihr zurueck? - Mit dem Zug

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Witze aus: Uwe Tellkamp, Der Turm, Suhrkamp 2008, pg. 61
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