Thursday, April 23, 2009

Annals of justice? .... (4) el presidio, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

El Presidio in Ushuaia was used as a state prison for especially dangerous subjects by the Argentinian government. However, a lot of anarchists, intellectuals and politically suspicious characters ended up there as well. The prisoners had to work in the forests of Tierra del fuego. The little engine was one of those to be used to haul log trains and transport the imprisoned workers. The coach, however, was built for the special occasion to accomodate the president on a visit.... who actually never came. The prisoners were transported on open wagons....
Some of the cell tracts of el Presidio are renovated, some are used as museum and a very interesting arts gallery. Another part is in the original state....
A couple of these ovens where thought to be sufficient to heat for a whole two-story wing of the prison in the barbaric conditions of fuegian wintersThe toilets

About life in prison (from the novel "das wochenende" by Bernhard Schlink (page 38/30):
"..als ich den Kampf um normale Haftbedingungen gewonnen hatte.....Der Laerm war schlimm. Du denkst vielleicht im Gefaengnis ist es still aber es ist laut. Bei jeder Aktivitaet muessen Eisentueren auf- und zugemacht und Eisengaenge und Eisentreppen begangen werden. Tags schreien die Leute einander an und nachts schreien sie im Schlaf. Dazu gibt's das Radio und die Glotze, und einer klappert auf der Schreibmaschine, und einer donnert seine Hanteln gegen die Tuer. ....Was das Schlimmste ist, willst du wissen? Dass das Leben anderswo ist.... und je laenger du auf danach wartest desto weniger ist danach noch wert."
The washing facilities.... cold water only

"Der Freie liebt die Freiheit, auch wenn er ihrer beraubt ist" (Jean Jaques Rousseau)
A renovated cell with a puppet of one of the inmates. Some anecdotes of their fates will be added soon

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